Give it away, give it away now.

by Jeff Ebbing – Southeastern Community College – West Burlington, IA
The holiday season is in full swing and if you’re like me, your brain is in a constant anxiety loop of frantically trying to wrap up that big project (or three) before the all-staff holiday potluck and trying to get everything ready at home in anticipation of the big family love-food-gift-fest. It’s a LOT.


Marketing Inspiration From the Great State Fair of Texas

by Stacie Sipes – Navarro College – Corsicana, TX
On our journey to the District 4 Conference in Colorado Springs, the Navarro College team made a pit stop at the great State Fair of Texas. Beyond team building and indulgence in the latest fried food creations, this annual excursion serves as a source of inspiration for all of us in the marketing office.


7 Ways to Minimize the Number of Non-Essential Work Meetings

by Linnie S. Carter, Ph.D., APR – HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College – Harrisburg, PA
Higher education is infamous for having a lot of meetings. Many of the meetings are too long and ineffective. At HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, my team and I are disrupting the meeting culture.


Saying “Yes” to Active Participation: Lessons from a an NCMPR Summer Board Meeting

by Andrea Rohlena – Western Iowa Tech Community College – Sioux City, IA
The next time someone asks you to volunteer as a Medallion’s judge, conference coordinator or committee member, say “Yes!” I have personally experienced the benefits of putting yourself out there, and can say that NCMPR inherently rewards you with connections to amazing people, new experiences, a deeper knowledge base and professional fulfillment.