The communication and marketing office at a community college remains busy no matter the season. There’s no downtime, really. Media requests don’t wait, and messages on social media can’t wait. We’re on a go-go-go schedule.
READ MOREKeeping it short, sweetheart (KISS), in communication is the key to grabbing and keeping your target audience’s attention. Whether it’s a brochure, flyer or postcard, individuals want to be able to skim information to understand what they’re to do and learn how the information will benefit them.
READ MOREPlan B. It’s a necessity when it comes to communication and marketing. Picture this – you’ve arranged for a live remote with your local TV station in the early morning hours at one of your campuses. Everything’s been taken care of … except for the rain that wasn’t expected.
READ MORENCMPR members who have attended a district or national conference have likely had the opportunity to hear Pam Cox-Otto speak. She co-founded Interact Communications, and she often talks about how we can do our jobs better by looking at the barriers keeping us from that goal. One of her ideas has always struck me as particularly helpful: nontransactional marketing.
READ MOREAt HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, we make sure that students are at the forefront of everything we do, including our integrated marketing communication efforts. If you see something related to HACC – whether it’s on our website, a print piece, in an email or on social media – the odds are very high that you are looking at a HACC student or successful graduate of our programs.
READ MOREIf you saw a bright orange box with a photo of an athlete on it, you’d know even without seeing the name that it was Wheaties cereal. If you saw the distinctive swish logo on a pair of sneakers, you wouldn’t need the name to know Nike made those shoes.
READ MOREDo you know what people say about your college? Do your faculty and staff put customer service first? For word of mouth marketing to work, there needs to be both an external and internal focus.
READ MOREConnecting Community College Communicators
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