Category Archives: E-Marketing

“C” What New Marketing is All About

by Jackie Watson – Kentucky Community and Technical College System – Versailles, KY
Five years ago marketers could start a campaign with no more than a gut instinct on creative design and a target audience group, then sit back and wait for the results to come in. Sorry, Charlie. That’s not how it works anymore.


How Do You KISS?

Keeping it short, sweetheart (KISS), in communication is the key to grabbing and keeping your target audience’s attention. Whether it’s a brochure, flyer or postcard, individuals want to be able to skim information to understand what they’re to do and learn how the information will benefit them.


Evolving the Community College PR Office for the Digital Age

The ongoing demand for digital content – video, social media, and online and mobile advertising – continues to be a challenge for many community colleges. Limited resources, shrinking budgets and small staff sizes make it difficult to keep pace in a world where traditional and online campaigns must seamlessly align, and marketing content has to be produced on a continual basis just to stay competitive.