by Jaclyn Y. Garver – NCMPR National Office – Fort Wayne, IN
I got a postcard in the mail last month. No, it wasn’t from a friend in a tropical and far-flung locale, wishing I was there, but an advertising postcard.
by Zach Snyder – Onondaga Community College – Syracuse, NY
Social media contests are powerful tools to boost your following and engagement. But the devil is in the details.
by Jaclyn Y. Garver – NCMPR National Office – Fort Wayne, IN
It’s not uncommon for two-year college grads to leave their associate degree off their resume entirely. Why? Well … they don’t identify with it.
by Jeff Ebbing – Southeastern Community College – West Burlington, IA
I recently had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend training at the Googleplex in the heart of Silicon Valley.
by Ellen Davis – Temple College – Temple, TX
While I frequently get good marketing ideas from other colleges, I also think we need to look to the commercial sector for inspiration.
by Jeff Ebbing – Southeastern Community College – West Burlington, IA
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pretty darn busy getting ready for a visit from the Jolly Old Elf in a few weeks, and the last one on my gift-giving list is you.
by Jackie Watson – Kentucky Community and Technical College System – Versailles, KY
Five years ago marketers could start a campaign with no more than a gut instinct on creative design and a target audience group, then sit back and wait for the results to come in. Sorry, Charlie. That’s not how it works anymore.
by Linnie S. Carter, PH.D, APR and Megan Hoose – HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College – Harrisburg, PA
Colleges’ marketing and communication departments cannot be the keeper of all knowledge – or know every single detail about all of the college’s programs. We need content experts to help us by laying the foundation.
HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, is a household name in our region. This means that after we’ve turned off our work brains in the evenings or on the weekends, we regularly run into people who have a connection to the school or are curious to know more.
READ MOREIf the culture at your college is anything like that at mine, then the marketing office is occasionally looked at as “The Fixer” – that sometime superhero who’s called upon to repair all sorts of ills.
READ MOREConnecting Community College Communicators
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