by Keith Paul – Northern Essex Community College
I love a good team project, I do. But sometimes, “collaborative culture” is code for, “every single person wants to weigh in on marketing.” There’s an art to knowing your lane, folks, and marketing happens to be ours.
by Jeff Ebbing Southeastern Community College West Burlington, Iowa If you’re as terrible at maintaining your life and remembering what’s on your schedule as me, setting Outlook reminders is the best defense you have to keep your act together. Last month when this alert. came up though, I did not like it. Not one bit. … Make Them Feel Seen
READ MORE by Andrea Lehmacher – Oakton College – Des Plaines, IL
Change isn’t just something that happens – it’s something we actively need to embrace. We have lived in constant change management since 2020, when the world changed, and we had to change to serve our students and community differently.
by Melissa Bouse – Northern Essex Community College – Haverhill, MA
Three years ago, when we were still working remotely during the pandemic, I volunteered to take part in our strategic planning process. I was a fairly new employee and thought it would be a good way to connect with colleagues and learn more about what makes Northern Essex Community College tick. Both of those things rang true. But I learned about an unexpected third thing. The thing that is at the core of all major decisions at our college.
by Jill Bennett – Anne Arundel Community College – Arnold, MD
Whether online or in person, how you physically show up makes a difference. Let’s keep this in mind as we show up just a little more awesome in 2024.
by Stacie Sipes – Navarro College – Corsicana, TX
On our journey to the District 4 Conference in Colorado Springs, the Navarro College team made a pit stop at the great State Fair of Texas. Beyond team building and indulgence in the latest fried food creations, this annual excursion serves as a source of inspiration for all of us in the marketing office.
by Linnie S. Carter, Ph.D., APR – HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College – Harrisburg, PA
Higher education is infamous for having a lot of meetings. Many of the meetings are too long and ineffective. At HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, my team and I are disrupting the meeting culture.
by Jaclyn Y. Garver – NCMPR National Office – Fort Wayne, IN
August is National Wellness Month, meant to promote healthy routines and encourage folks to prioritize self-care, whatever that looks like for us.
by Dave Murray – Grand Rapids Community College – Grand Rapids, MI
We’re friends, not competitors. That’s what I loved most about the National Council for Marketing & Public Relations.
by Christopher M. Reber – Hudson County Community College – Jersey City, NJ
One of my heroes, Mr. Rogers, often shared this inspirational quote by peace activist Mary Lou Kownacki: “There isn’t anyone you couldn’t love once you’ve heard their story.” At HCCC, we tell our stories.
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