Author Archives: NCMPR

Postcard from Ann Arbor, Michigan: Visiting the District 3 Conference

“M” is for Michigan! And when you visit the quintessential and charming college town of Ann Arbor, the big gold “M” of the University of Michigan stadium won’t let you forget it. The “M” is a symbol of pride seen everywhere, but as it turned out, “M” is also for “motivation,” “memories” and “making connections” thanks to a stellar conference program presented by talented district director Kayte Hamel and the District 3 team.


Evolving the Community College PR Office for the Digital Age

The ongoing demand for digital content – video, social media, and online and mobile advertising – continues to be a challenge for many community colleges. Limited resources, shrinking budgets and small staff sizes make it difficult to keep pace in a world where traditional and online campaigns must seamlessly align, and marketing content has to be produced on a continual basis just to stay competitive.


Postcard From Walla Walla, Washington: Visiting the District 7 Conference

There’s no place like home – or so Dorothy said. If you swap out the yellow bricks for red wine varietals, the sentiment works pretty well for my visit to Walla Walla, Washington, and the District 7 conference, my home district. We’re a smaller but special group that hails from the northwest corner of the U.S. and western Canada, where there are fewer community colleges but a mighty talent base of communicators.