by Fred Peters
Tyler Junior College
Tyler, TX
I had been a member of NCMPR for more than a decade without any thought of running for office or helping at the district level. Then I received a phone call from a counterpart at a college just 30 miles away who inspired me to take a new step, one I have never regretted. I started out as District 4 director, and now I’m treasurer for NCMPR and on a track to serve as president.
Perhaps as you read this you are weighing a decision to assist your NCMPR district director in some way, or maybe you’ve thought about running for district director yourself some day.
This week, NCMPR members in three districts are casting ballots in an important election, and I’m not referring to the election that has taken the national stage.
Districts 2, 4 and 6 are electing new district directors. Voting ends on Friday, and when the winners are announced, they’ll begin immediately preparing to take over the reins of their districts. This means traveling to the national conference and board meeting in Chicago this March, where they will learn more about their responsibilities and begin shaping their district membership campaigns and district conferences.
My hope, first off, is that you will read about the candidates running for office in Districts 2, 4 and 6 and vote, if you’re a member of one of those districts. Next, I hope you’ll investigate the many volunteer opportunities within your district, whether you live in District 2, 4 or 6 or one of the other four that make up NCMPR’s membership.
Now more than ever, district directors are relying upon volunteers to help them carry out duties associated with district communications, membership drives, district Medallion Awards competitions and district conferences. For some volunteers, the districts may provide partial reimbursements for travel to the national conference. For all volunteers, the districts offer rewarding and meaningful connections to other members just like you.
Don’t wait for someone to nudge you. Do your homework, vote if you’re in District 2, 4 or 6, and, most importantly, get to know your NCMPR colleagues by serving in an organization that’s designed to make us all better at what we do.
Like me, you will never regret it!
Fred M. Peters is treasurer for NCMPR and now serves as director of public affairs and grant development at Tyler Junior College in Texas. He enjoys food, baseball and food – quite possibly in that order. He is known for busting deadlines because of his desire to rewrite everything. In fact, he’s probably rewriting this blog now, so check back soon for the latest revision.