District 2 and District 4 Conferences – 2018

by Dane Dewbre
South Plains College
Levelland, TX

First, I’d like to extend a heartfelt thanks to NCMPR’s executive board members and past NCMPR presidents for helping me with travel duties at our district conferences this fall – your attendance on my behalf means a lot to me. While I was unable to represent NCMPR at each conference, I was able to attend the District 2 conference in Atlanta, Georgia, and the District 4 conference in Denver, Colorado. Here are some highlights.

District 2

I have to say that a great time was had by all in attendance at the District 2 conference in Atlanta, Georgia. For me, catching up with colleagues and getting to know District 2 members was a highlight. A special thanks to our newest district director, Virginia Moreland, for stepping in and making this conference a success.

As can be said about each of NCMPR’s district conferences, the location was great and the programming strong. This year’s theme for District 2 was “Lights, Camera, Action” and featured a great opening session from Molly Mercer, film project manager for the Cherokee County Office of Economic Development in Woodstock, Georgia. Mercer discussed the history of the film industry in the area and how Georgia is becoming what is described as the film capital of the world. There were many other programming highlights, and like many in attendance, I left with some great takeaways.

Congratulations to District 2 Communicator of the Year Darian Atkins, executive director of communications and public relations, Louisiana Delta Community College; District 2 Pacesetter of the Year Dr. Natalie Harder, chancellor, South Louisiana Community College; and District 2 Rising Star Nikasha N. Dicks, marketing and public relations director, Aiken Technical College, Aiken, South Carolina. District 2 you were wonderful hosts!

District 4

The District 4 conference was held on the campus of the Community College of Denver in downtown Denver, Colorado. The location – a campus that houses two universities and a CCD site – couldn’t have been better suited for this year’s conference. The programming was awesome and the setting was beautiful.

Conference programming focused on “going digital” and most definitely delivered. We all left with many practical tips and ideas. District 4 Director Debra McGaughey, Assistant Director Natalie Daggett, and Conference Coordinator Christa Saracco pulled off one of the most unique district conferences I have attended. (The Chinese food served at the Medallion awards dinner was amazing!)

District 4 is thrilled to be the host district for NCMPR’s 2019 national conference to be held in Texas Hill Country-San Antonio, March 24-26. I look forward to seeing you all there.

Dane Dewbre is the associate dean of marketing and recruitment at South Plains College in Levelland, Texas, and is president of NCMPR.




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